In order to improve improve Table performance, SAP has introduced in ABAP release 7.0 EhP 2, secondary table keys.
Below you can find the sintax:
Below you can find the sintax:
CLASS-DATA: gt_zpo_hardcodes TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zpo_hardcodes WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY PRIMARY_KEY COMPONENTS bsart badi_method name instance numb active with NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY secondary_key COMPONENTS badi_method name instance numb active. * Reading using the secondary index FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zpo_hardcodes> TYPE zpo_hardcodes. READ TABLE gt_zpo_hardcodes ASSIGNING <fs_zpo_hardcodes> WITH TABLE KEY secondary_key COMPONENTS badi_method = im_badi_method name = im_name instance = im_instance numb = im_numb active = 'X'. IF sy-subrc = 0. re_result = <fs_zpo_hardcodes>-low. ENDIF. * Looping using the secondary index FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zpo_hardcodes> TYPE zpo_hardcodes, <fs_range> TYPE rsdsselopt. LOOP AT gt_zpo_hardcodes ASSIGNING <fs_zpo_hardcodes> USING KEY secondary_key WHERE badi_method = im_badi_method AND name = im_name AND instance = im_instance AND active = 'X'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO re_range ASSIGNING <fs_range>. <fs_range>-sign = <fs_zpo_hardcodes>-sign. <fs_range>-option = <fs_zpo_hardcodes>-opti. <fs_range>-low = <fs_zpo_hardcodes>-low. <fs_range>-high = <fs_zpo_hardcodes>-high. ENDLOOP.
nice post thank you