Menu Path: IMG > General settings > Check Unit of Measurement
Measurement units measure properties of business applications. These properties comprise physical properties, that can be associated with dimensions in a measurement system, and properties without dimension, that cannot be defined uniquely in a measurement system.
To use electronic data interchange (EDI) you must use the ISO code measurement units. Furthermore, measurement units carry several other names for internal and external presentation in the R/3 system.
Physical properties are basic or derived. Derived properties are algebraic combinations of basic properties. Which physical properties are viewed as basic and which as derived is a matter of expediency. There are many different measurement systems with different basic properties. Each basic property defines one basic dimension of a measurement system.
The SAP standard shipment uses the international measurement unit system (SI) with the seven basic properties length, time, mass, temperature, electrical current, light intensity, and molarity. The SI-System has seven basic dimensions.
The basic properties of each dimension can be measured in specific measurement units. The measurement units of the seven basic SI system dimensions are meter (m), second (s), kilogram (kg), Kelvin (K), ampere (A), candela (cd) and mol (mol).
The dimensions of all derived properties of a measurement system are algebraic combinations of its basic dimensions. In the SI system, the measurement units of derived properties are combinations of the SI units and some have their own names and abbreviations.
As the relationships between the dimensions as well as the different measurement units of one dimension are defined uniquely, they are maintained centrally in Customizing tables in the R/3 System. The dimensions of derived properties are defined in these tables by defining the exponents of the underlying basic dimensions. The names of these Customizing tables start with T006. You maintain these tables with the transactions CUNI and OMSC. The function modules described in this section use these tables.
In the R/3 System, combinations of basic dimensions must be unique and can be related to one derived dimension only. For example, energy (force times distance) and torque (force times radius) cannot be defined in one R/3 System simultaneously.
In some applications (e.g. SAP Oil & Gas), the temperature and pressure values for which the measurement units of certain dimensions (e.g. volume).are valid must be specified. The measurement units of such dimensions are maintained as temperature and pressure-dependent. The measurement units for this dimension are then defined for a specified temperature and pressure. This is the case for example for natural gas whose volume depends on the temperature and pressure. A basic measurement unit of the dimension volume in the inventory describes the amount of gas under defined conditions.
The units of measurement can vary depending on the product and location of the business unit's activity.
Configuration Steps
1. Create Units of Measurement : Details
Click on Dimension pick list to choose the appropriate unit of measure dimension, i.e. volume:
-Click on Unit of Measurement button .
-Click on Create button to create a new unit or double-click on the line with the existing one to make changes.
-The units of measurement can vary depending on the product and location of the business unit's activity.
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