Go to Transaction SE11 table LFA1. Double click in structure CI_EBANDB and create it.
Add your customer fields to structure CI_EBANDB. Rebember to use ZZ as the first two characters so the fields does not conflict with future components that SAP might add to table LFA1.
Go to transaction CMOD and create a project. Implement MEREQ001 enhancement
Screen Exit
Screen 0111 PBO
module status_0111 output. * SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'. * SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'. " We check if we are comming from transactions ME51N/ME52N or ME53N " in edit mode loop at screen. if sy-tcode = 'ME51N' or sy-tcode = 'ME52N' or ( sy-tcode = 'ME53N' and lcl_purchase_order=>get_edit_flag( ) = abap_true ). screen-input = 1. else. screen-input = 0. endif. modify screen. endloop. endmodule. " STATUS_0111 OUTPUT
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZXM02U01 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(IM_REQ_ITEM) TYPE REF TO IF_PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: i_mereq_item TYPE mereq_item, lv_garg TYPE eqegraarg, ls_head TYPE mereq_header, lc_header TYPE REF TO if_purchase_requisition, ti_enq TYPE TABLE OF seqg3 . IF im_req_item IS INITIAL. ELSE. i_mereq_item = im_req_item->get_data( ). ENDIF. " Validation for display/modify the field ( by default the field is always editable ) IF sy-tcode EQ 'ME53N'. lc_header = im_req_item->get_requisition( ). lv_garg = sy-mandt && ls_head-banfn && '*****'. CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_READ' EXPORTING gclient = sy-mandt gname = 'EBAN' garg = lv_garg guname = sy-uname TABLES enq = ti_enq. IF ti_enq[] IS NOT INITIAL. lcl_purchase_order=>set_edit_flag( abap_true ). ELSE. lcl_purchase_order=>set_edit_flag( abap_false ). ENDIF. ENDIF.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZXM02U03 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(IM_REQ_ITEM) TYPE REF TO IF_PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(EX_CHANGED) LIKE SY-CALLD *" CHANGING *" REFERENCE(CH_UCOMM) TYPE SYST-UCOMM *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- tables: ci_ebandb. data: l_mereq_item type mereq_item. if not im_req_item is initial. " read item data from system l_mereq_item = im_req_item->get_data( ). if ( ci_ebandb-zzernam ne l_mereq_item-zzernam ). " if customer field changed, update structure move-corresponding ci_ebandb to l_mereq_item . " set new item data to system call method im_req_item->set_data( l_mereq_item ). " tell the system that there has something changed on the customer tab ex_changed = abap_true. endif. endif.
Hi, Alguém.
ReplyDeletei have a question about it. where did you define lcl_purchase_order and what type is it?
Sorry for this noobish question.
Thank's for sharing.